Saturday, February 2, 2008

I Come Up Short Like Danny Devito at a Rollercoaster

I'm tired............

For some reason, it seems cliche to say so. I suppose that is a commentary on our culture at large. We push ourselves so hard to earn that next dollar or sip that next latte that being physically and mentally exhausted seems to be the norm. I often find myself thinking about God's intention for his people, and I can't shake the suspicion that we're missing the mark. We, as believers are meant to be in the system as a alternative. Instead, we tend to jump into the frigid waters and get carried downstream along with everybody else. I find it particularly alarming to look out and see all the "driftwood" constantly colliding over issues that consistently flirt with the mundane. At the end of the day, everything that accepts the current and refuses to swim will undoubtedly reach the mill. I like to think of Christians as being equipped with a small motor-boat that allows us to venture into any part of the river....right up to the most perilous and wild zones....with the assurance that we can turn around and head upstream at our choosing. You don't have to be swallowed up by the river to be it's master. No one was ever pulled from the waters by being chastised from the shore.

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