Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Balke & Cousin Larry.....Only With Laser Guns

What is the freaking deal with Hollywood regurgitating every single show that had a glimmer of success some 20+ years ago? Bionic Woman, Knight Rider, etc. And what's the deal with them all seeming edgier and super-futuristic??? I just know that we're one ratings slide away from "Perfect Strangers 2034", a buddy tale involving Balke (played by Viggo Mortensen) and Cousin Larry (played by Ben Affleck)...two cops trying to clean up the streets after the Robot Wars of 2029 using nothing but their cultural misunderstandings and laser rifles.

Why can't we appreciate television shows that are inherently good? Wit and cleverness consistently get pushed into the "bitch seat" while shows featuring Michael Bay-esque explosions and hardball-to-genital collisions get pushed to the forefront. I miss you Arrested Development...and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. We laughed together...we cried...I nuzzled up under your chin while you kissed my forehead and told me everything was alright...your hand slipped down the nape of my neck...

Whoa, I got a little lost in the moment there. All I'm trying to say is that I'm one new episode of "Benson" away from shooting a confetti-filled rocket at Hollywood with the words, "I'm not a moron! I get shows by Aaron Sorkin," written across the hull in crude krylon. This elephant-sized dose of stupid being sent our way is really a monster of our own creation. No one is forcing us to swallow...

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